Dante vs. Dante: Gameplay Virdict
Well, I've finally had a chance to download the gameplay demo of Ninja Theory's DmC and despite the visuals and what story is presented (to which I will address later on) I must say that the button map that the game presents isn't the most intuitive when one is trying to perform combat feats that Devil May Cry have been known for.
Sure, it does help that it shows exactly what moves can increase the style level and all, but it doesn't help if the learning curve includes player confusion during the heat of battle. Granted, it could be something one could get used to after a gradual introduction to the mechanics but from what is presented in this demo, it was rather disappointing. No shock there. I try to slice when I whip, and I whip when I try to smash, which doesn't help that there isn't much customization when it comes to button layout despite claims to the contrary. Often times I press the square button to fire when I was trying to swing a sword, which is equally confusing when one is trying to get the two different grapple abilities of the two Angel and Devil weapons presented in the game. It does help in mixing up the combat, but the confusion in the heat of battle just doesn't seem to be warranted.
Overall, it didn't win my heart despite Capcom and Ninja Theory's hope that I would be persuaded otherwise.
And speaking of which, it would appear that both Capcom and Ninja Theory have gotten the Nephilim concept wrong: They're the product of Angel's breeding with humans, not demons. Not only that, but Mundus the Demon King has been described as gangster-like.
......WHAT?! He's an emperor for crying out loud! Not some hip-hop nor roaring twenties gangster!
Is there no end to this travesty? Oh well, I already placed my virdict on this game, this only cements the deal. You may discuss as you wish.

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Labels: Button Mapping, Demo, Devil May Cry, DmC, Gameplay
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